In some works I’ve photographed my linocuts and my acrylic on canvas, and then built on the images along with my photographs of the everyday, other art elements and textures.

Meditation, 36” x 24”, Single Edition


3 Daughters Acrylic on Canvas, 48” x 36”
View the complete collection of Acrylic On Canvas

Untitled / 2020 / Hybrid Art on Archival Paper / Single Edition

Untitled / 2020 / Hybrid Art on Archival Paper / Single Edition


Paused / Linocut / 2020
View Linocuts / Collagraphs / Ethcing/ Woodcuts here

Paused / Linocut / 2020
View Linocuts / Collagraphs / Ethcing/ Woodcuts here


Untitled / 2020 / Hybrid Art on Archival Paper / Single Edition

Untitled / 2020 / Hybrid Art on Archival Paper / Single Edition

Untitled / 2020 / Hybrid Art on Archival Paper / Single Edition

Content I / Linocut / 2020 View Linocuts / Collagraphs / Ethcing/ Woodcuts here

Content I / Linocut / 2020
View Linocuts / Collagraphs / Ethcing/ Woodcuts here

Content II / Linocut / 2020 View Linocuts / Collagraphs / Ethcing/ Woodcuts here

Content II / Linocut / 2020
View Linocuts / Collagraphs / Ethcing/ Woodcuts here


Part of Languish Series, 2021
Test print of Everything Is Holy, Laundry Strip, Collage, Inks and Pastels
on Colour Grain Paper
View The Languish Series 2021


Everything Is Holy, Digital Landscape, Variable Size
View Digital Landscapes

Digital Landscapes > Analogue + Digital

I want to explore the relationship between contrasting matters of human and machine.


I am fascinated with tonal values, layers, details and textures and often add charcoal, pastels and acrylic brush strokes on the art - digitally and manually. It is this addition of art strokes that helps my works to engage with the viewers, in a unique way – by breaking barriers of time, space and mediums.

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