My Creative Process

I see the same human truths of love, joy, loss, pain, and longing from the remote towns in Kerala to busy streets in Paris. Just like my life, there are stories waiting to be told. To ‘narrate’ a story on my canvas, I begin by looking for the perfect characters to play their roles. Sometimes I find them in my photography and sometimes I craft them with digital tools and conventional Inks, Pastels and Charcoals. The process is intuitive; the truth often revealed in the final work.

Santosh Jain at the Cuff Parade Dhobi ghat, Mumbai

Santosh Jain at the Cuff Parade Dhobi ghat, Mumbai


I see women as emotional beings, silent sufferers, pillars of strength and also game players. To create a comparison between interpretations done in the past with the contemporary times, I sometimes lace my own photographs of the everyday with acknowledged works of old masters.

Untitled 52 cm x 40 cm, 2018, Digital Landscape on archival art paper

Untitled 52 cm x 40 cm, 2018, Mixed Media on archival art paper

The carefully assimilated ‘cast’ comes together to help me express my inner concerns. And at the same time my works remain open to the viewers to draw their own conclusions.


For me, the divine holds great significance. I have often experienced its redeeming power. This too, I try to express through my works. I feel empathy towards the oppressed, the outcasts, the forgotten who need a voice. Sometimes my art takes a very personal narrative when I weave my girls in and my attempt is to create stories that have been mostly untold."


“The force behind a brush stroke is more important than the technique.” Be it a stroke on canvas or a stroke on a computer screen. 

24 Hours Service 76 cm x 51 cm, 2018, Digital Landscape on archival art paper

24 Hours Service 76 cm x 51 cm, 2018, Mixed Media on archival art paper

Digital art involves various tools and machines – camera, photography software, computer, virtual brushes and digital artistic tools. I enjoy creating charcoal drawings, paint strokes, etching and pastel effects and tonal values using virtual brushes on the digital canvas. Producing these sensitive details in digital fine art is an inventive and a highly involving process.

All my works are single editions.

It may be surprising to some that I do not make multiple editions of my works. Each story I create is an intense experience. Every work carries emotions - either because I could relate to the story, or because it reflects something personal. I spend a lot of time creating sensitive details digitally and then exacting tonal values on the chosen archival art material. The entire process is intimate and I would like to reproduce just one unique edition of such stories.